Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reincarnation, karma, and salvation

There is only one God, who has infinite qualities and names. He is the same for all religions. God is the Creator and Sustainer. All that you see around you is God's creation. He is everywhere, in everything. He is fearless and has no enemies. Only God is without birth or death, and He has and will exist forever.

Every creature has a soul. In death, the soul passes from one body to another until final liberation. The journey of the soul is governed by the deeds and actions we perform during our lives. A pure existence of 'good deeds' (i.e., working honestly to earn our living, remembering the Creator, helping those who are less fortunate, being kind) is rewarded with happiness and joy in the next life, while wrongful actions and sinful deeds lead only to incarceration and fitting consequences in the next life. As the spirit of God is found in all life and matter, a soul can be passed onto other life forms, such as plants and insects - not just human bodies. A person who has evolved to achieve spiritual perfection in his lifetimes attains salvation – union with God and liberation from rebirth in the material world.

Only by keeping the Creator in your mind at all times, will you make progress in your spiritual evolution. Meditate with single mindedness, dispel doubt, remain focused, subdue their ego. Thus glory will be obtained.

Those contented souls who meditate on the Lord with single-minded love, meet the True Lord.

Those who are imbued with the love of the name of the Lord are not loaded down by doubt.

The pure swans, with love and affection, dwell in the ocean of the Lord, and subdue their ego.

I believe that all humans are equal. "We are sons and daughters of the Almighty." I have been taught to treat all people of the world the same. No gender, racial, social or other discrimination is allowed.

They tell us that salvation can be obtained by following various spiritual paths. Therefore, Do not have a monopoly on salvation: "Many spiritual paths lead to God." We do not consider that we have an "exclusive" right to salvation. We do not consider Ourself the "chosen people of God". In fact, the scripture advances the message of "equality" of humanity (despite religious differences) and offers the advice that Muslims should be better Muslims and Hindus be better Hindus. Christian, Hindus, Muslim, Jews and others all have the same right to liberty as we do. However, We do teach that unlike other faiths, it is a more direct and a simpler path to salvation (union with God). I believe that Pandits, Qazis, Mullahs, Priests, etc. do not hold the key to salvation, but rather that God has given every person the right to hear and obey God's word.

“One who recognizes that all spiritual paths lead to the One shall be emancipated. One who speaks lies shall fall into hell and burn. In all the world, the most blessed and sanctified are those who remain absorbed in truth. One who eliminates selfishness and conceit is redeemed in the court of the Lord.”

Some read the Vedas, and some the Koran. Some wear blue robes, and some wear white. Some call themselves Muslim, and some call themselves Hindu. Some yearn for paradise, and others long for heaven.
one who realizes the Hukam of God’s will, knows the secrets of his Lord and Master.

Conquer the five thieves
It is every Living Soul's duty to defeat these five thieves: Lust (Kaam), Anger (Kr'odh), Greed (Lob'H), Attachment (Mo'H), and Pride (a'Hankar). The five thieves live within every person and it is the duty of each Soul to subdue and control the behavior of these emotions.

Equality: All humans are equal before God – No discrimination is allowed on the basis of caste, race, sex, creed, origin, color, education, status, wealth, etc. The principles of universal equality and brotherhood are important pillars of Mankind.

God’s spirit: Although all living beings including plants, minerals and animals have been created by God, only the human being contains God's Spirit.

Personal right: Every person has a right to life but this right is restricted and has certain duties attached. Simple living is essential. A SOUL is expected to rise early, meditate and pray, consume simple food and perform an honest day's work, carry out duties for your family, enjoy life and always be positive, be charitable and support the needy, etc.

Actions count: Salvation is obtained by one’s actions – Good deeds, remembrance of God – Naam Simran, Kirtan, etc

Living a family life: Encouraged to live as a family unit to provide and nurture children.

Sharing: It is encouraged to share and give to charity 10 percent of one’s net earnings.

Accept God’s will: Develop your personality so that you recognize happy event and miserable events as one – the will of God causes them.
The four fruits of life: Truth, contentment, contemplation and Naam, (in the name of God).

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